The offer is temporarily not available.
With the special offer 2x1 every Saturday you can travel in 2 paying only one Base ticket.
The offer is valid for travel on all domestic trains at Business, Premium and Standard service levels, and in 1st and 2nd class. 2x1 does not apply to regional trains, Executive service level and couchette, VL and Excelsior services.
The number of places is limited, and varies according to train and class or level of service.
You can purchase the 2x1 Special offer up two days before the train departs* on this website, at station ticket desks, authorised travel agencies and self-service tellers or by phoning our Call Center (service at a charge).
To purchase your ticket using the 2x1 Special offer on this website, you must select 2 (adult) passengers and the date you intend to travel from among the dates included in the offer.
*up to midnight of the second day before the train departs.
No booking or ticket changes, refunds or access to other trains are allowed under the 2x1 Special offer.