Frecciargento trains run on both the High-Speed and the traditional lines, travelling at up to 250 km/h to guarantee frequent, easy connections between Genoa, Florence, Rome, Naples, Lecce and Reggio Calabria.
Frecciargento trains run on the following routes:
ETR 485 trains are made up of 9 carriages (with a total of 489 seats), of which 3 are 1st class and 5 are 2nd class, plus the FRECCIABistrò carriage.
Frecciargento trains feature:
The FRECCE Portal is accessible via the on-board Wi-Fi network, with entertainment services, internet access and travel information
Catering services
Click here to find out about the catering services available on board Frecciarossa trains.
Cleaning during the journey
There is an on-board cleaning service in operation on all Frecciargento trains, to ensure the best standards of hygiene for toilet facilities and maintain the cleanliness of the train’s interiors.
La Freccia magazine
On board Frecciarossa trains, a copy of the Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane Group’s monthly magazine is available at each seat.