Benefits for children


0-4 years old (not yet reached) 4-14 years old

Without a seat. 50% discount with a seat.
50% discount
on Base offer

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0-4 years old (not yet reached) 4-11 years old (not yet reached) above 12 years

up to 4 years not yet reached, accompanied by an adult and not occupying a seat.
50% discount Full price

Valid on all regional trains except in the regions of Campania, Abruzzo and Sardinia and in the autonomous provinces of Trento and Bolzano:

FREE: up to 4 years not yet reached, accompanied by an adult and not occupying a seat.

50% DISCOUNT: from 4 to 12 years not yet reached.

FULL PRICE:: over 12 years.

Abruzzo: free under one metre in height, accompanied by an adult and not occupying a seat.

Bolzano: free under 6 years and children residing in the province of BZ who have reached the age of 6 but are not yet attending compulsory school, always accompanied by a paying adult and not occupying a seat.

Campania: free under 6 years of age accompanied by a paying adult and not occupying a seat.

Lombardia: free up to 4 years not yet reached, accompanied by an adult and not occupying a seat; 50% discount: from 4 to 14 years not yet reached; full price over 14 years.

Puglia: Children up to the age of 10 travel free of charge if they are accompanied by an adult with a regular ticket; from the age of ten, no free tickets or reductions on the grounds of age are offered.

Sardinia: free under 6 years, if accompanied by an adult with a valid travel ticket, (subject to possession of proof of age in cases of dubious evidence); in this case, the person accompanying more than one child under 6 years must purchase a travel ticket at the appropriate full fare for every two (e.g. one child is free, two children - one full fare ticket, three children - one full fare ticket, four children - two full fare tickets, etc.).

Trento: free under 6 years accompanied by a paying adult (or holder of free tickets and passes for free movement) and with right to a seat, up to a maximum of 5 children under 6 years for each accompanying adult.


Lazio-Fiumicino Airport fare 1/Ter : children up to four years not yet reached travel free, provided they are accompanied by an adult with a valid travel ticket; children between 4 and 12 years not yet reached travel free if accompanied by an adult with a valid travel ticket; in this case, one child for each paying adult can travel free.

Fare 14 for urban/metropolitan areas : in the cities of Bari, Rome, Venice, Palermo and Turin, where Fare 14 for urban areas is in force, the reduction for children does not apply.

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